Bush Walk with a Male Cheetah

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About the video

Walking through the bush, I sighted the cheetah to the left of us at about 15 feet distance striding through the bush with a slight limp.

  • I am walking almost parallel to the male cheetah through the bush
  • I had my 4K Sony Camcorder low as I walked holding it below the top of the brush - this is the reason the cheetah pops in the frame
  • The location is the Karongwe Private Game Reserve in South Africa
  • The Bush Walks are one of the most thrilling activities to view wildlife in the jungle

"This was a heart stopping bush walk alongside a magnificent male cheetah as it strides through the bush deep in the jungle in the Karongwe Private Game Reserve South Africa.   "

Lakshmi Soundararajan

Wildlife Enthusiast

Lakshmi Narasimhan Soundararajan

Journal Entry for Bush Walk with a Male Cheetah

We learned that this male cheetah was part of 3 siblings (who we would see together later and featured in another video) from the same mother. They hunted, ate and slept together all the time. We were told that before the 3 males hunted and killed an impala, the hoof or horn had dug into the belly of this male cheetah causing it to limp.

I had resolved to hold Tasveer (my 4K Sony Camcorder) low down during the bush walk and that is what I did. I held Tasveer through the strap with my fingers pointing down while the display was a right angles to help me see where we were going and more importantly what was in the frame.

I was not prepared for the spectacular effect of that simple technique. The sight of the cheetah going through the brush with the camera held below the height of its head meant that the amazing cat just popped in the frame.


Karongwe Private Game Reserve in Limpopo Province in South Africa


Heart Stopping Bush Walk with a Male Cheetah

about the cheetah

The cheetah stride that I saw with those muscles rippling and that entire body built for speed kind of uncorking was stunning. And what of those spots on the tawny skin, the tear marks on the face, the small head and long tail acting like a rudder while racing at high speed which make the cheetah one of the most marvelous creations of nature.

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